🕯Candle Questions

  • What kind of wax do you use? 

We use a premium coconut blend to ensure your candles offer the epitome of luxury.
  • Are your candles toxic?

Absolutely not! We wouldn't want to cause a meltdown, only help prevent one.
  • Why wooden wicks?

Wooden wicks offer a more luxurious, longer burn. Additionally, the crackle sound is fire (pun intended)! But seriously, it's so soothing.

    🕯Candle Care

    • How long should I burn my candle?

    Your first meltdown should be no less than 2 hours to ensure an even burn. After that, you should only burn them for about 4 hours each time. We know you love the scent, but really, it's dangerous. We'd hate for you to get so relaxed that you fall asleep with it lit.
    • How can I improve my candle's performance?

    Be sure you are trimming your wick between each burn, 1/4th inch is the recommended length.

      🕯Order Status

      • Where's my order?

      All orders are processed within 2 days of placement. There will be a 3 to 5 business day delivery time once shipped, but COVID delays may affect this timeline. Please check your shipping confirmation email for the tracking link or email contact@themeltdownflame.com. You are encouraged to create an account for faster tracking.Â